Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Taking a chance on a chandelier

Awhile back I had posted about creating our own chandelier.

Like this...

A got to thinking tho that maybe this wouldn't go with my centerpieces. In case you forgot, here's a refresher of what those look like. (side note-I've been working on these...they are coming together nicely if I don't say so myself ;) I'll post about those later)

Are they too different? Will it be too many things going on? The wonderful decisions...ugh.

I emailed FBIL Brent to see what his thoughts were. He seems to think they'll flow together nicely with all the "natural-ness"...I'm hoping he's right. But that didn't ease my wonder. So I started thinking...dangerous I know. What if I were to take that plastic centerpiece out of the "chandelier" and replace it with a "real" chandelier. An old school antique chandelier. Painted black. here's where I squeal with excitement of how brilliant I am This leads to research on the good ole craigslist. I knew going into this that it could be completely out of our budget and not worth it. I was preparing for heartbreak. I sorted thru the $300-$400 chandeliers and ended up finding two, $35 and $50. EEEEk! Sold! The first for $35 was used as a mobile for a child's room (creative) so it is not a "working" chandelier. This is ok. However, the second one I found for $15 more is beautiful. I want it. I need it. Here's this morning's email to my love...

I found another chandelier that I love more that has actual lights still on it. It's $50 but I can hang it in Marilyn's room after :) it still works. Can I email about that one?

Muahaha...Marilyn's room is coming together nicely...after the wedding of course. It's currently being overtaken by wedding flowers, feathers, headpieces, feathers, jewelry, feathers, vases, feathers...ya get the drift.

I have yet to hear back from the second chandelier. If that one falls thru, I'll go with the first.

What are your thoughts? Too much? Or do you think it will flow?

Or am I just DIY crazy?

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