Thursday, May 26, 2011

Engagement Story-Part1

So I originally wrote this post for my other non-wedding blog-weird yes because it is actually about the wedding in a way. I got onto a rant about Kim K and it lead into this...

Is anyone else a little disturbed by the news and size of Kim K's ring?


I mean, don't get me wrong-I love Kim K. But seriously, reaaallly?

#1-When it's that big does it even look real???

#2-I don't know about any other girls out there but sometimes my ring gets in the way. I can't fish anything out of my pockets-I bang it on the desk-the door way-it just gets in the way sometimes.

As I was driving into work this morning all the talk radios were buzzing about this ring and the engagement and the "biggest Hollywood wedding" she's planning. Two of the dj's got into a conversation about rings and men picking them out and girls not liking them.

How rude.

If your man proposes to you and you don't like the ring...and you say you don't like it...find a new man. Because obviously you don't love the current guy proposing to you. It's not about the ring. If you think otherwise you aren't ready to get married.

Then they brought into the conversation girls who pick out their rings...again...if you have to pick out your ring...I feel like that's a a way. When someone says "I picked out my ring" or "she picked out her ring" I automatically think about a girl saying "I want this and that with this size diamond" in a snotty, stuck up, high pitched voice. (Not all girls are like this! I know!!-but there are girls out there like that-just sayin)

With my own thought, I made myself cringe.

I picked out my ring.

Kind of-

I didn't know I was picking it out-

But I did.


Before all you other judgers out there like myself start judging, please know that probably a year before my love proposed I had a twisty-tie on my finger from a bread loaf. mmhmm. He's a romantic....In fact I went through two twisty-ties. The first one was the paper kind-and after wearing that for a week the paper wore down to the wire and it was poking me. So, what does lover do? Finds one of the plastic ones! Smart boy. But I wore it. And I loved it. And if I had to wear a twisty-tie the rest of my life-I would've. It's the thought that counts.

This brought on the topic of "IF I were to by to buy you a ring, what would you want?" conversation. I of course followed with my usual response to every other thing in life-"I don't care." So, one day while we were out shopping around, we drove past a jewelry shop. I was jokingly asked if I wanted to go in. I jokingly said sure back-thinking we'd continue on driving. Somehow we ended up actually going in and looking around to "get an idea for what you like." I had originally walked into that store thinking I wanted a plain band with a single diamond on it.

Hm. Throw a couple hundred different rings in front of one girl-see what happens. It'll entertain you I'm sure.

We slowly made our way around the room looking at the various styles. I had come across one or two that I liked-including one that looked just like a twisty-tie :). It wasn't until we were almost completely around the room that I was shown a ring that completely caught my eye. It was unique. I loved it. Tony quickly asked-"If I come in-say six months from now-and that ring isn't here, how do I get it?" the response wasn't what I wanted to hear. "If it's gone, it's gone."-I mean great! that means not every one and their sister will have that ring, but at that moment-I wanted to be gone. I was done looking because I didn't want to fall in love with a ring I wouldn't be able to have. And those were my exact words as we walked out the store a few minutes later. Along with "I don't want to do that again."

Little did I know...

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