Monday, May 23, 2011

Wedding Meltdown #519

Saturday as I was sitting with my sister Amber and personal attendant Brittni I received a lovely email saying "8 more months!"

Just what I wanted to hear.

As the day went on I filed it away and tried not to think about it. Tony and I went on with our errands-burying ourselves into grocery shopping and getting little things for the house, dog, fish, yard etc. As all those "little" things added up, along with the constant reminder that my car is broken down, photographer mess and the haunting guest list-I started to have a mini panic attack on the drive home thinking about all of this. Tony immediately went into his motivational-we'll get it all figured out-we have plenty of time-you need to get excited-stop worrying-I'll take care of it-it'll all work out speech. This is why I love him.

During his little speech he mentioned that maybe if we did something fun like registering that it would get me excited. So, immediately after I calmed myself down I asked if we could go to Target and register. So, at 8:30pm we walked into Target ready for to register. Tony took the scanner first. I think he was more excited than I was. We only had an hour and a half before the store closed so it was a little rushed but we got through.


When I got home, I wanted to take a look at our list to see what we added.

Problem #1-I could not log in to edit our list. At all. I could change my password. But I could not log in.

Problem #2-When I search for our registry, I am able to see it. Great. But it only lists probably half of the items we scanned. Awesome.

That excited bubble just popped.

Sunday I woke up ready to face the guest list head on. I headed over to the in-laws so my future mother-in-law could help me. I wasn't about to do this alone. She helped out a ton and kept me focused. After a few hours of sorting through the "guest list", "new guest list", "updated guest list" spreadsheets and figuring out what names we had and needed to add we finally had a grand total.

Are you ready for this?




Total Wedding Guests (Wedding/Dinner)=232
Total Guests (Wedding + Reception) = 434
*give or take a few

I think I can finally breathe now.

Maybe now I can tackle this silly registry issue. Or possibly the photographer. One step at a time.

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