Monday, August 22, 2011

Save the Dates-Check!

So as most of you know already, the save the dates have been addressed, sealed, stamped and sent. Whew.

So I just wanted to take a quick minute to say hello to all the new readers out there who may have gotten the site off of the STDs (get your mind out of the gutter Tony). Welcome to our wedding site, I always say I will keep it up to date but as my previous readers know, that doesn't always happen. :) I try tho. I have a feeling over the next few months I'll be updating frequently. I received my 5 month reminder email yesterday. 5 months! I'm sure most brides look at it as "Yay! 5 months til my wedding!" I look at it as "Ugh, we have 5 more months to get this stuff done" sad is that? It'll get better, I'm sure of it!

We attended two weddings this past weekend, one was the full wedding/reception while the other one was just a reception. We managed to fit both of them in, can't say it was "easy" and I wish we would've been able to spend more time at the reception only one but due to other commitments we were only able to stay for a short while. Both couples had a beautiful day/night for their special day.

While we were winding down our night, and I (as sober cab) was trying to wrangle the boys up to go home, a song came on that stopped me in my tracks, our wedding song. Now our wedding song isn't a very "common" song to be played and I can honestly say that I've never heard it at any other wedding. So as I was trying to pull Kegan out of the barn I couldn't help but smile and tell him that it was our song. Kegan of course decided that we couldn't leave yet and that Tony and I had to dance first. I couldn't fight with him on that one.

Side note-I realized this weekend, it is not cool to be the only sober one in a group of four. Maybe it's just with these two Meyer boys and Brittni, but it is impossible to gather them together. Those two boys know everyone and talk to everyone. So at the end of the night when I wanted to go home, trying to get them together was a job. I would find one but when I would go find the other one-the first one would disappear. It came to a point where Brittni and I would say "ok you get Tony, I'll get Kegan" -1.2.3. Break! Some how we would both end up boy-less. I think they were on to it. After probably close to 2 hours of attempting to gather them and after the DJ stopped playing music I was able to get them into the car and on our way home. The next day I found out that Tony was on to my game and would tell me "yea we can go home, find Kegan" and he would then find somewhere else to stand because "he didn't want to go home" I tell ya, the things I do for my love. He did bring me to get ice cream last night as a thank you for putting up with him the night before. I may have told him he was driving me there, but he did it. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hales!!! Got my STD, they are beautiful!!! :) Sorry we didn't get to connect the other weekend, I had my cousin's bridal shower that Saturday. :( Hope to talk to you soon!
