Matron of Honor
Cassandra Marc-
Friend of Bride
Amber Coty -
Sister of Bride
Nicole Coty -
Sister-in-law of Bride
Diane Meyer -
Sister of Groom
Amy Rohlman -
Friend of Bride
Dana Seleski -
Friend of Bride
Nicole Osterhaus -
Friend of Bride
Sheena Meyer -
Cousin of Groom - Friend of Bride
Flower Girls
Emma Coty -
Niece of Bride
Lillian Meyer -
Cousin of Groom
Presley Jensen -
Niece of Bride
Personal Attendant
Brittni Jenkins
Best Man
Kegan Meyer -
Cousin of Groom
Brent Meyer -
Brother of Groom
Matthew Coty -
Brother of Bride
Chad Meyer -
Cousin of Groom
Jake Swenson -
Friend of Groom
Tom Leque -
Friend of Groom
Tony Jansa -
Friend of Groom
Shane Meyer -
Cousin of Groom
David Marc -
Friend of Bride
Joe Dixon -
Friend of Groom
Matt Leque -
Friend of Groom
Travis Meyer -
Cousin of Groom
Usher Supervisor
Tony Mack
Ring Bearers
George Meyer -
Cousin of Groom
Samuel Meyer -
Cousin of Groom