Monday, August 29, 2011

You learn something new everyday

This past weekend we attended yet another wedding. There was so much that went down that I can't even think straight. So instead of attempting to write a blog post that would most likely turn into a novel I'm going to create a bullet list for you all. I hope you enjoy.

Things I Learned
  • Tony cannot pick out any wedding cards going forward (Tony & Megan-I'm sorry for the card)
  • Tony's truck smokes...a little
  • If I need to be picked up by eleven-Tell Kegan and Brittni I need to be picked up by ten.
  • Ushers work hard (note to self-spoil my ushers)
  • Shoes are very important --Yes, I know I know, You're thinking Haley I thought you knew this. I do--for girls--I did not know this for boys. (note to self-make sure groomsmen & ushers have comfortable shoes)
  • Tequila Wine makes her Tony's clothes fall off. (My apologies to the entire wedding party & guests)
  • Groomsmen vests need to be sturdy (in case at some point someone may feel the need to rip their vest off)
  • Shoes need to be double knotted (in case at some point someone may feel the need to kick their shoes off in the middle of the dance floor)
  • Always make sure Kegan does not hold onto the car keys (This will prevent the possibility of locking keys in the car)
  • Ke$ha and Lady Gaga may have a look a like
  • Remind yourself when discussing things with Kegan that he may not be completely there (No, Kegan Ke$ha was not really at the wedding)
And most importantly,
  • Tony has the nicest, loving, craziest friends I have ever met. Watching those boys out on the dance floor was the highlight of my weekend. I could not help but sit there and think that we are so lucky to have these people in our lives. I can't wait to spend another weekend with them in a few weeks at Matt and Jasmine's wedding and to have them a part of our own big day.
To those boys: Thank you. Thank you for being a part of Tony's life. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of his life and now yours. For many years I heard so much about each and every one of you. I will admit to you now that I had always been scared as I didn't want to step on any one's toes. You are Tony's friends, he should be able to always have fun with you. Without me. I avoided going out with him, calling him or "bothering" him while he was out with you as I didn't want to take him away from you. I'm a shy person, I don't have a whole lot to say and would rather stand in the corner than be in the center. But after this weekend I realize I have nothing to be scared of. Let's face it, if you can handle being friends with my crazy love, I'm hoping you'll be able to accept me. I may have dragged my feet the last few years and not allowed myself to open up to you but I promise that will be no more.

When our day comes, if no one else will be at my wedding, I know we will have our friends out on the dance floor. I'm not concerned.

And you can bet your a** we will have a good time.

I promise.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Save the Dates-Check!

So as most of you know already, the save the dates have been addressed, sealed, stamped and sent. Whew.

So I just wanted to take a quick minute to say hello to all the new readers out there who may have gotten the site off of the STDs (get your mind out of the gutter Tony). Welcome to our wedding site, I always say I will keep it up to date but as my previous readers know, that doesn't always happen. :) I try tho. I have a feeling over the next few months I'll be updating frequently. I received my 5 month reminder email yesterday. 5 months! I'm sure most brides look at it as "Yay! 5 months til my wedding!" I look at it as "Ugh, we have 5 more months to get this stuff done" sad is that? It'll get better, I'm sure of it!

We attended two weddings this past weekend, one was the full wedding/reception while the other one was just a reception. We managed to fit both of them in, can't say it was "easy" and I wish we would've been able to spend more time at the reception only one but due to other commitments we were only able to stay for a short while. Both couples had a beautiful day/night for their special day.

While we were winding down our night, and I (as sober cab) was trying to wrangle the boys up to go home, a song came on that stopped me in my tracks, our wedding song. Now our wedding song isn't a very "common" song to be played and I can honestly say that I've never heard it at any other wedding. So as I was trying to pull Kegan out of the barn I couldn't help but smile and tell him that it was our song. Kegan of course decided that we couldn't leave yet and that Tony and I had to dance first. I couldn't fight with him on that one.

Side note-I realized this weekend, it is not cool to be the only sober one in a group of four. Maybe it's just with these two Meyer boys and Brittni, but it is impossible to gather them together. Those two boys know everyone and talk to everyone. So at the end of the night when I wanted to go home, trying to get them together was a job. I would find one but when I would go find the other one-the first one would disappear. It came to a point where Brittni and I would say "ok you get Tony, I'll get Kegan" -1.2.3. Break! Some how we would both end up boy-less. I think they were on to it. After probably close to 2 hours of attempting to gather them and after the DJ stopped playing music I was able to get them into the car and on our way home. The next day I found out that Tony was on to my game and would tell me "yea we can go home, find Kegan" and he would then find somewhere else to stand because "he didn't want to go home" I tell ya, the things I do for my love. He did bring me to get ice cream last night as a thank you for putting up with him the night before. I may have told him he was driving me there, but he did it. :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I've been reminded numerous times over the last two weeks that I haven't blogged much lately. And to that I say I'm sorry. My head hasn't really been in it. Number one, time flies...just sayin. Number two, My roller coaster ride of wedding planning is currently at its low point. Too many things to do, not enough time to do them in and no idea on how to even do them. So bare with me please.

Tonight my love has planned an intervention for me. Thanks to my mini panic attack this morning, I have gained his help in this wedding planning process, whether I want it or not. He can only do so much tho. The last few days I have realized how lucky I am and how much I love that man. Not sure what I would do without him. Hopefully after tonight, I will have some clarity and will be able to update you all on where we are at in the whole process. And possibly attempt to explain why we are in the current situation we are in.

On a side note, yesterday was my little lovebug's birthday. Here's a pic of her devouring her birthday cake this past weekend.  Uncle Tony and Auntie Haley bought her her first jersey. Represent!

Yesterday marked her 1 year. 1 year ago she came into this world...not so quietly. I can remember that morning like it was yesterday. That was by far one of the longest, scariest, best days of my life. The first week of her life she was poked and prodded numerous times and was trapped in cage at the hospital. A year later she is as healthy as can be with nothing but smiles. Amazing how in 1 year so many things can change. I believe change is good. No matter what it may be, there is always good in it.

I got to thinking about how much has changed since that day one year ago. Not just for lovebug, but for my own life. I started a new job, made new friends, got engaged, started planning this ridiculous wedding (with love), gained some new pets (hey-o to my lil fishies!), accepted things I could not change and opened my eyes and mind up to new things. Every thing happens for a reason. Good or Bad. This roller coaster wedding is somehow going to be good. I just know it. Maybe it's so I don't sit and worry about all the other crazy things in this world....(Amy meeting new crazies over yonder in Green Bay). Maybe it's to teach me to better organize my life a little. Or maybe it's to teach me to let others help me. I'll figure it out. Eventually. Until then I will lean on my love and try to stay on task with this wedding from here on out. I don't really think I have a choice...on either of those.

To my love,who I know is reading this, I love you.
Through the years of our ups and downs, we figured it out.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I don't get it

I have yet another issue.

Not necessarily an issue. Another decision.

I hate decisions.

A few weeks ago as I was surfing online for invitation ideas I came across this little number...

Via Etsy

I love them. I wanted something different, but something easy that I could possibly create myself. So what do I do? I quickly email SIL Nicole and ask if it's something we can do. Within a few hours I had a Word document waiting for me in my email. She's amazing. I printed out the rough copy and started adding my small touches. Again this is a very rough copy.

This just caused my excitement to sky rocket. I love them even more now. I send them off to a few friends, Tony and my mom. I get a few responses back saying neat, that works etc. I then get a response from my mom. Normally she's all over my ideas and she'll take my ideas and run with them. This time not so much. Here's the response I got.

"I don't get it"

That little bubble floating above my head just popped.

Are they that different that it's hard to get the information? So do you continue with the fun, crazy invites you like in hopes people understand them? Or do you play it safe and do the same standard invitations?

Who would of thought.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Another Dress Debate

Sorry for my absence. I was enjoying an overdue long weekend. I may or may not have only mentioned the wedding once or twice. :) Oh well. I had good company to bounce my ideas off of so it was all good.

Are you ready for my latest dilemma? I'm not. Hence me turning to you.

Flower girls.

Cute. Precious. Innocent flower girls.

Three of them.

Meet my girls.

Lilly--Tony's Cousin

Emma--My Niece

Presley--My Niece

Here's the big dilemma. What the h.e. double hockey sticks do they wear??

Let's get the easy part out of they way, Presley AKA P will be wearing the following..


Now as far as the other two go, I have no idea. They are 7 will be closer to 8 by the time the wedding rolls around, they aren't "little" girls anymore. I need something age appropriate. Not to mention I have no idea what color I'm going to do. Ivory to match me? Red to match the bridesmaids? eehh. It's impossible to match the flower girls with the bridesmaids. Not going to happen. So either I go ivory or another possibility is black. I know I know black is not a little girl/wedding color. But it is. I've seen it. It looks very classy in it's own weird way.

What do you think? Is black non flower girl? Or will it class up this crazy Meyer wedding?