95% of young girls dream of having this big lavish fairytale wedding. I am part of the other 5% of girls who could care less. I grew up thinking one day I'd find my prince charming and one weekend we'd come home married. No mess, no fuss. Easy as that.
My family is reasonably small compared to most. It consists of my parents, one set of grandparents, one brother (sister-in-law & niece) and one sister (one brother-in-law & niece). I'm not complaining, I wouldn't change any part of my family.
Tony's family on the other hand is the complete opposite. He not only has his immediate family but his aunts, uncles and cousins are practically "immediate" family. Not a week goes by where we don't see one or more of them. It's uncommon if we go a few days without talking to any of them. Again, I'm not complaining. In Hannah Montana's words-I get the best of both worlds. --Sad that I know the lyrics, I know-don't judge--
When we first started planning I feel like we got wrapped up in all the excitement of planning a wedding. It got way too big way too fast. But when you sit back and look at it, we can't not go big. Just Tony's family alone-just family, this is close family-totals 64 people. That's cutting out some family that we haven't seen in a while. I can't do that, that's not acceptable to me. So then you bump it up from just close family to the entire family and you are over 100. Did I mention this is just FAMILY. I haven't even included friends yet. And lets face it, if you know anything at all about Tony you know he is friends with everyone. If we were to include just our "close friends" it would be an extra 100 just on Tony's list of friends. I stopped making the guest list once I hit 350. I wasn't finished yet but the number freaked me out. I know you are supposed to take a certain percentage of how many of those invites actually show up but it still freaked me out.
I am not an outgoing person. Everyone knows this. I hate being in crowds. I hate standing in front of people. I hate people looking at me. Just let me sit in a corner and mind my own business and I'll be fine. So standing up in a church in front of 300 people is a little nauseating to me. I can already feel the nerves. Cassie, my matron of honor, will have to put Tony's ring on his finger because my hands won't stop shaking. That's if I can get the vows out.
We have three choices -
1- We randomly run away some weekend and get married-just the two of us
2- We have a small intimate wedding with just immediate family and immediate family only
3-We have the large wedding we've been planning for-with our entire family and group of friends-Go big or go home right?
Problems with those three?-No, never!
Again, I hate decisions.